Global Ace has the team, expertise, networks and technical knowledge to make forays into the coal industry a strong business venture on a global scale.
The Coal Traders
The Coal Traders trades and brokers coal from leading coal producers across the globe. We seek to build long term customer relationships, and have the unique scale and sophistication to satisfy any customer needs, anywhere in the world. We know coal and have the expertise to add value from pricing to scheduling to transportation.
We can source coal supplies from Australia, Indonesia, South Africa and USA or any other part of the world through our established network.
Coal Waste Solutions
Coal Waste Solutions specialises in the reclamation of low-grade or off-spec coal material that is normally considered waste (fine and coarse discards). Our exstensive network of global consumers allows us to export to various overseas markets.
We have expert solutions to reclaim, reprocess and export coal slurry and discarded waste material. Our efforts allow mining companies to reclaim waste land and reallocate those areas for other uses. This significantly reduces environmental liabilities on mining sites and improves the aesthetics of mining landscapes.
Coal Waste Solutions has the ability to process and market material that would be considered very low grade, i.e., low CV, high sulphur, high ash etc. Our unique methodology allows us to reclaim most of the material we process, ensuring waste production is kept to a minimum.